Scoregraph Media

The First One Hour Of Your Day & these simple techniques matters a lot

Scoregraph Media

As your day starts, it’s easy to get lost in the habit of checking messages, replying to email, checking the news and your favorite blogs.

It’s easy to fritter your day away doing a thousand small harmless actions … but the essential actions get put off.

The antidote, I’ve found, is putting a little emphasis on making the first hour of your day the most powerful hour. Treating that first hour as sacred, not to be wasted on trivial things, but to be filled with only the most essential, most life-changing actions.

Sacred actions might include:

Writing (these daily lessons)
Studying any specific topic/subject
Practicing yoga
Focusing on your most important task of the day

On the days when I’m able to take those kinds of sacred actions, my entire day is changed. I am more mindful, I am more energetic, and I’m more focused and productive.

Treating this first hour as sacred helps me to remember that every hour is sacred, if I treat it as such. It helps me to remember that I don’t have a lot of hours left (I have no idea how many hours are left!), and that I have to live each one with appreciation and mindfulness.

Here is a simple template I had personally practiced during my earlier part of my life.

Good template for beginners:

First 10 mins – Physical Energization Exercise (Stretching, Basic Asanas or Surya Namaskar, Skipping, Jogging, Walking in your terrace etc)

Second 10 mins – Breathing Exercises – Deep abdominal breathing, Pranayama etc

Third 10mins – Silence/Meditation/Gratitude

Fourth 10mins – Read a self development book, close the book & note down key points in a journal

Fifth 10 mins – Set goals for the day – for the next 24 hour only

Sixth 10 mins – Close your eyes, mentally rehearse the day, pay your gratitude to your parents, family, friends, colleagues, company & the creator for all that you have right now in your life.

There is nothing called right or wrong. The timeline prescribed is only a guideline.

You can modify the time allotment according to your interest levels.

Remember, How you START the day, determines how you END the Day!

Murali Sundaram

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